Legislative Services

Scopelitis recognizes how much our country’s rapidly-changing political climate can affect our clients. Businesses that stay abreast of these issues are poised to strategically engage in policy change or be agile with responses. Experience has taught us that areas in which frequent changes immediately impact many of our clients include:

  • Wage and Hour issues
  • Labor and Employment issues
  • Safety issues
  • Business and Contractual issues
  • Emerging Technologies issues

A customized legislative solution is the best approach to understanding how national, state, and local policies and regulations stand to affect your operations. Firm attorneys prepare customized, real-time, action-oriented, digestible updates or products including:

  • Issue Reports provide a brief yet comprehensive summary of a particular issue
  • Board Reports provide relevant insight into pending legislation in a format that fosters action-oriented conversations
  • Bi-monthly Legislative Digest Subscriptions offer the most comprehensive, customized bi-monthly digest of state and federal legislative developments customized according to issues including Independent Contractor developments and other legislative activity updates
  • Strategic Legislative and Regulatory Action Advice provides proactive technical advice to shape policies that determine your business’s future, including analyzing legislative proposals and drafting revisions, drafting comments on proposed regulations, drafting testimony for hearings, and counseling to help prepare for meetings with policymakers

While knowing when to react to legislative and regulatory developments is vital to our clients, we believe the best approach is one that also includes proactive work that keeps business leaders engaged with policymakers. Attorneys in our D.C. office and beyond routinely assist clients to explore important industry and company issues with government agencies, including:

  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
  • Federal Trade Commission
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administrations
  • U.S. Department of Justice
  • U.S. Department of Labor
  • U.S. Department of Transportation

Our work in developing an effective overall strategy for achieving regulatory or policy objectives often includes:

  • Preparing effective presentations for meetings with government officials
  • Developing talking points for meetings and presentations
  • Drafting position statements, legal memoranda, and rulemaking petitions
  • Identifying the appropriate government official(s) with responsibility for an issue
  • Gathering intelligence on Congressional and Executive Branch matters
  • Assisting clients in arranging in-person meetings with appropriate government officials
  • Coalition building via multi-company and even multi-industry coalitions.

For additional information, contact the Scopelitis legislative team to further explore how we may provide the most well-tailored service to ensure legislative and regulatory developments do not leave your company behind.

Legislative Services

Scopelitis recognizes how much our country’s rapidly-changing political climate can affect our clients. Businesses that stay abreast of these issues are poised to strategically engage in policy change or be agile with responses. Experience has taught us that areas in which frequent changes immediately impact many of our clients include:

  • Wage and Hour issues
  • Labor and Employment issues
  • Safety issues
  • Business and Contractual issues
  • Emerging Technologies issues

A customized legislative solution is the best approach to understanding how national, state, and local policies and regulations stand to affect your operations. Firm attorneys prepare customized, real-time, action-oriented, digestible updates or products including:

  • Issue Reports provide a brief yet comprehensive summary of a particular issue
  • Board Reports provide relevant insight into pending legislation in a format that fosters action-oriented conversations
  • Bi-monthly Legislative Digest Subscriptions offer the most comprehensive, customized bi-monthly digest of state and federal legislative developments customized according to issues including Independent Contractor developments and other legislative activity updates
  • Strategic Legislative and Regulatory Action Advice provides proactive technical advice to shape policies that determine your business’s future, including analyzing legislative proposals and drafting revisions, drafting comments on proposed regulations, drafting testimony for hearings, and counseling to help prepare for meetings with policymakers

While knowing when to react to legislative and regulatory developments is vital to our clients, we believe the best approach is one that also includes proactive work that keeps business leaders engaged with policymakers. Attorneys in our D.C. office and beyond routinely assist clients to explore important industry and company issues with government agencies, including:

  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  • Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
  • Federal Trade Commission
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administrations
  • U.S. Department of Justice
  • U.S. Department of Labor
  • U.S. Department of Transportation

Our work in developing an effective overall strategy for achieving regulatory or policy objectives often includes:

  • Preparing effective presentations for meetings with government officials
  • Developing talking points for meetings and presentations
  • Drafting position statements, legal memoranda, and rulemaking petitions
  • Identifying the appropriate government official(s) with responsibility for an issue
  • Gathering intelligence on Congressional and Executive Branch matters
  • Assisting clients in arranging in-person meetings with appropriate government officials
  • Coalition building via multi-company and even multi-industry coalitions.

For additional information, contact the Scopelitis legislative team to further explore how we may provide the most well-tailored service to ensure legislative and regulatory developments do not leave your company behind.

Practice Group Leaders